World Anti-Doping Code Commentary Project

The first fully comprehensive resource for anti-doping practitioners, providing guidance along all steps of the doping control process. With topics ranging from signatory compliance to application of the sanctioning regime, the commentary will assist the anti-doping movement to achieve a more effective implementation and harmonized interpretation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code.


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Can an Athlete be Provisionally Suspended before (even) being charged with an anti-doping rule violation?

CAS 2017/A/4968, Alexander Legkov v. International Ski Federation (FIS), Award of 31 August 2017 (Operative part 29 May 2017). The International Ski Federation (FIS) imposed a Provisional Suspension on Alexander Legkov, a Russian cross-country skier, prior to charging him with an anti-doping rule violation and based only on allegations contained [...]

By |September 11th, 2018|Proportionality, Provisional Suspension|0 Comments

First draft of the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code: Not so light of a review?

On 4 June 2018, WADA opened the second phase of the review process for the 2021 WADA Code (the ‘Code’),[1] by circulating the first draft of the new Code, along with the outcomes of the preliminary stakeholder consultation and a document summarizing the major proposed changes.[2] While WADA’s initial instructions [...]

By |June 25th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Johaug CAS award: Too harsh?

CAS 2017/A/5110, International Ski Federation (FIS) v. Therese Johaug & The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports, August 21, 2017; CAS 2017/A/5110, Therese Johaug v. The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports (NIF). This case involves a highly successful Norwegian skier, the multiple-time World [...]

The Ademi CAS award: One substance? No source? No problem.

CAS 2016/A/4676, Arijan Ademi v. UEFA, 24 March 2017. In the Ademi award, the main issue in front of the CAS panel was whether the violation was 'not intentional', a question the panel had to resolve in absence of conclusive evidence as to how the substance entered the Athlete’s body. [...]

The Significance of Maria Sharapova’s Fault

CAS Award: CAS 2016/A/4643, Maria Sharapova v. ITF, 30 September 2016. This Court of Arbitration for Sport (“CAS”) award puts (at least for the moment)[1] an end to Maria Sharapova (or the “Player”)’s doping ordeal stemming from her admitted Use of Meldonium, a substance added to WADA’s Prohibited List less [...]

By |November 23rd, 2016|No Significant Fault or Negligence|0 Comments

Cocaine blues: What the Paolini case suggests about “recreational” drug use under the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code

The Paolini decision, which was decided by the Union Cycliste Internationale’s (“UCI”) anti-doping tribunal (the “UCI Tribunal”) provides insight into the question of how Prohibited Substances used “recreationally” could be treated under the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code (the “WADC”). “Recreational” drug use was the subject of much debate among stakeholders [...]