World Anti-Doping Code Commentary Project

The first fully comprehensive resource for anti-doping practitioners, providing guidance along all steps of the doping control process. With topics ranging from signatory compliance to application of the sanctioning regime, the commentary will assist the anti-doping movement to achieve a more effective implementation and harmonized interpretation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code.


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Meldonium and Moral Fault: Five Lessons Learned from the Sharapova ITF Tribunal Decision

In Fall 2015, WADA announced its decision to add the anti-ischemic drug “Meldonium” to its Prohibited List with effect on 1 January 2016, after the Monitoring Program and observation period 2015 revealed “evidence of its use by athletes with the intention of enhancing performance” (Explanatory Notice to the 2016 List). [...]

Talk is Cheap: The Daiders CAS Award on the Evidence Needed for a Contaminated Supplement Defense

CAS Award: CAS 2014/A/3615, WADA v. Lauris Daiders, Jànis Daiders, and FIM, January 30, 2015 While the fact pattern in this case – the unexplained presence of a Prohibited Substance allegedly attributable to supplement contamination – is not out of the ordinary, the thoroughness of the legal discussion undertaken by [...]

The ISSF v. WADA CAS Award: Another Therapeutic Use Exemption Request for Beta Blockers Shot Down

CAS Award: CAS 2013/A/3437, International Shooting Sport Federation v. WADA,  December 18, 2014. The granting of Therapeutic Use Exemptions (“TUE”) is an important aspect of an Anti-Doping Organization’s daily activities. It is also the only way for Athletes to receive medical treatment while staying active in competitive sport when they [...]

By |August 10th, 2015|Therapeutic Use Exemptions|0 Comments

The Stewart CAS Award: “Paperwork” Violations and Principles Surrounding “Retrospective” Therapeutic Use Exemptions

CAS Award: CAS 2014/A/3876, Stewart v. FIM, April 27, 2015. FACTS James Stewart, a professional motocross and supercross rider, had been regularly taking the medication “Adderall” since 2012,[1] when he underwent an In-Competition Doping Control test on 12 April at the 2014 AMA Supercross FIM World Championship.[2] In May 2014, [...]

The Lallukka CAS Award: The End of an Unsettled Era for Human Growth Hormone Cases?

CAS Award: WADA v. Lallukka, CAS 2014/A/3488, November 20, 2014 FACTS In September 2011, the Finnish cross-country skier Juha Lallukka (the “skier”), a National-Level Athlete affiliated with the Finnish Ski Association, was subjected to an Out-of-Competition test. The analysis returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for recombinant human Growth Hormone (“rhGH”, [...]

Biological passports and the 2015 Code: Will four-year bans for blood doping become the new norm?

Download the Bekele Blog Post HERE CAS Award: Alemitu Bekele Degfa v. Turkish Athletics Federation & IAAF, CAS 2013/A/3080, March 14, 2014. In this award, recently published in the CAS bulletin, Alemitu Bekele Degfa – a long-distance runner of Turkish Nationality and Ethiopian origin – was found to have committed an [...]

By |February 3rd, 2015|Intentional violations|0 Comments