• Antonio Rigozzi, Emily Wisnosky, Brianna Quinn (eds.) ‘The proceedings of the 2017 Macolin Anti-Doping Summit: A fresh look at the science, legal and policy aspects of anti-doping’ (Editions Weblaw, 2017) Download HERE


Antonio Rigozzi, Marjolaine Viret, and Emily Wisnosky:

  • ‘Switzerland Anti-Doping Reports’, International Sports Law Review (published quarterly since Spring 2015)
  • ‘Breaking down the process for determining a basic sanction under the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code’, International Sports Law Journal, 2 June 2015. (co-author: Ulrich Haas) Download HERE
  • ‘Neuerungen im Welt Anti-Doping Code 2015’, Causa Sport, vol. 4 2014. (co-authors)
  •  ‘A New Code for a New Era in the Fight Against Doping in Sports: A Summary of the Main Changes in the 2015 WADA Code’, Global Sports Law and Taxation Reports, March 2014. Download HERE
  • ‘Latest Changes to the 2015 WADA Code – Fairer, Smarter, Clearer… and not quite Finished [Addendum to the Article: ‘Does the World Anti-Doping Code Revision Live up to its Promises? A Preliminary Survey of the Main Changes in the Final Draft of the 2015 WADA Code’, Jusletter, 20 January 2014. Download HERE
  • ‘Does the World Anti-Doping Code Revision Live up to its Promises?’, Jusletter, 11 November 2013. Download HERE

Marjolaine Viret and Emily Wisnosky:

  • Comment on CAS 2015/A/4059, WADA v. Bellchambers et al., Award of January 2016, Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2016 (Duval and Rigozzi, eds.), T.M.C Asser Institute.
  • ‘Controlling ‘Femaleness’ in Sports: Regulatory challenges at the intersection of health, performance and identity, Comment on the Chand Award, CAS 2014/A/3759, Chand v. AFI & IAAF, July 24, 2015′, Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2015 (Duval and Rigozzi, eds.), T.M.C Asser Institute.
  • ‘The Validity of Analytical Science in Anti-Doping: A Scientific and Legal Challenge, Comments in the light of the human Growth Hormone trilogy of cases before the CAS, Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2015 (Duval and Rigozzi, eds.), T.M.C Asser Institute: 39-72.
  • ‘Implementation issues arising from the 2015 WADA Code’, World Sports Law Report, June 2016. Download HERE
  • ‘2015 WADC: What Next? Priorities for the next revision’ (Workshop Tackling Doping in Sports 2016 Conference, London, 9-10 March 2016) Download HERE
  • ‘The 2015 World Anti-Doping Code in Practice: IF Adoption’, World Sports Law Report, February 2015. Download HERE

Marjolaine Viret:

  • Evidence in Anti-Doping at the Intersection of Science & Law, Asser International Sports Law Series, 2016.
  • ‘Role of Anti-Doping Laboratories in the Fight Against Doping’, Causa Sport, vol. 4 2014. (co-author)
  • ‘How to Make Science and Law Work Hand in Hand in Anti-Doping’, Causa Sport, vol 2. 2014.


Marjolaine Viret and Emily Wisnosky

  • 2015 WADC: what next? – Priorities for the next revision, March 10, 2016 at Tackling Doping in Sports, London, England

Download Flyer HERE

  • Does 2 + 2015 = 4 years?…Doing the Math Under the New WADC Sanctioning Regime, delivered on March 18, 2015 at Tackling Doping in Sports, London, England.
  • Lunch & Learn: WADA Code 2015 – the Key Changes, delivered on December 11, 2013 at the Asser Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands. Download Summary HERE

Marjolaine Viret

  • Science and the law in anti-doping – uncomfortable bedfellows?  September 3, 2015 Kings College, London.Download Flyer HERE

Emily Wisnosky

  • ‘Does the 2015 WADC Punish “Real Cheaters” More Harshly?’, April 28, 2017 at 2017 Macolin Anti-Doping Summit.